WebReserv User Guide

Template keywords

Template keywords

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Template keywords

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Use the following keywords when customizing printable forms and emails.


Business Location Information




Address line 1


Address line 2




City area




Email Address


Location website address


City, State (if applicable) and zip/postal code



First name


Last name


First name + last name


Company name


Address line 1


Address line 2






Zip (postal code)


City, State (if applicable) and zip/postal code







Rates & Payments


All rate details (rate, extras, total, balance)


Base rate (rate for actual time).


Rate adjustment amount for minimum length/time


Additional charges such as cleaning fee etc


Amount for options selected by the customer


Sub total amount


Tax rate in percent


Tax amount


Total amount


Amount to be paid at reservation time


Amount paid (all payments)


Balance after deposit has been paid


Total amount minus all payments


Currency code, i.e. $ or Euro


Last 4 digits of the creditcard number


The deposit information text, taken from product setup.


The transaction amount for partial or full payments


The result of the transaction, such as OK or declined



Product name


The description of the product






Discount codes, if applicable


Reservation end date


Reservation end date and time


Reservation end time


Number of products


Number of adults


Number of children


Number of persons for the 3rd person field


Number of persons for the 4th person field


Reservation start date


Reservation start time


Reservation start date and time


Reservation code


Date of reservation


All reservation details (date, time, product, no persons)


Time of reservation


Date and time of reservation


Status of the reservation


Comments for the reservation


Name(s) for the selected units(s) (i.e. room/site/seat numbers)





Bar code


Custom field name and value. Example: #customfield1022


Name of the custom field. Example: #customfieldname1022


Value of the custom field. Example: #customfieldvalue1022


Facility entry code (if enabled under setup)


URL to the terms and conditions page


URL to the "My Reservations" page



Gift cards

The following keywords are valid only in gift card templates.


The name of the person(s) the gift card is for


The name of person(s) giving the gift card


The message to the recipient


The name of the gift card


The description of the gift card


The unique gift card code


The gift card expiration date



The following keywords are valid if the booking agent feature is used.


The agent's


The first name of the booking agent


The last name of the booking agent


The full name of the booking agent


The phone number of the booking agent


The email address of the booking agent



The following keywords are valid if the a user list is used.


The first name of the user


The last name of the user


The full name of the user


The phone number of the user


The email address of the user