Black Oak Equestrian Camp is exclusively for campers with horses. No day use allowed. Please check in at the gatehouse upon arrival. Campers without horses are not permitted, unless accompanying an equestrian camper. Trailer sites allow only one trailer per site.
To see pictures of all sites or make multiple site reservations go to our website www.eid.org/recreation
Site amenities: Picnic table, charcoal BBQ in some sites, fire ring, some portable 12' x12' corrals and hitching posts, adjoins horse trails around Jenkinson Lake and USFS system lands.
Su reservación solamente cubre un solo vehículo por sitio de campamento. Límite de 8 personas por sitio de campamento.
Additional vehicles, pets, and boats must be paid for when you arrive. Check IN is at 2:00 PM, Check OUT is at NOON. All campsites include a picnic table, fire ring, and BBQ grill. Dogs are welcome and county leash laws are enforced. State mandate prohibits domestic animals in the lake as it is local drinking water. Remote control cars/boats or off-road vehicles are not allowed in park. Firearms, air guns, or other weapons (including "look-alikes") are not allowed in the park. Visitors violating any of the above rules are subject to eviction. All fees are due at time of booking.
Vehicle operation must be confined to designated roads. The speed limit in the campground is 15 miles per hour. No one may ride in the back of a truck or pick-up without seatbelts. No one may ride in a boat being towed.
WHY NO DOGS IN THE WATER - Jenkinson Lake is a drinking water reservoir and falls under the State of California legislative exemption that allows us to have people and boats in the lake. This same legislation requires no domestic animals in the water, as well as no diapers.